What does it means?
1.IP: It’s a Internet Protocol Adress
2.HTML:HyperText Markup Language, commonly referred to as HTML, is the standard markup language used to create web pages.
3.Gmail account has two parts: Username and Password.
4.LAMP AND WAMP: It’s a describer of a system.
5.MOTZILLA:Mozilla Firefox (known simply as Firefox) is a free and open-source web browser developed by the Mozilla Foundationand its subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation.
6.The resources of resources that enable the transmission of voice over the Internet is know as
7. It is important to keep your computer safe. That’s why we use antivirus.
8. The Internet has created new terms like hacker, online, gamer, youtuber, fishing, etc.
9. Instagram: It’s an aplication that we use to post photos and videos on the cloud.
10. Drive: It’s a part of google, that we use to create documents and then we post on the cloud.
12.Symbaloo:mbaloo is a cloud-based application that allows users to organize and categorize web links in the form of buttons.
13. Picassa:we use picassa to share documents.
14.WWW.: World Wide Web
15.URL.:Uniform Resource Locator
16.Codes QR: Quick Response